We have been presented the opportunity to buy another stock trailer for an unusually low price. As many of you know, our old faithful White Bird Trailer, which has logged so many miles taking rescued horses out of bad situations, has now been retired due to its age. This trailer is older too. And no thing of great beauty. BUT it is solid and serviceable and should have many good years left. The owner will hold it for us until Monday morning. Will you help us to afford this much-needed item?

The price is $1400 and it is a 16-foot stock trailer. This is a great price! We have learned through experience that frightened horses will load much more easily if they have a lot of space and a trailer this size is ideal. If we can raise even most of this by Sunday night, we will once again be able to respond quickly to horses in need. We know things are tough all over, but if you can find it in your heart to help us, we would be forever grateful, as would the horses who most need our help.
Donating is easy. The PayPal link is on the right side. Also, you can mail checks to us at the address on the website. But please let us know quickly if you are able to contribute. We have very little time in which to make this commitment to the owner of the trailer.
Thank you so much for your support!