The sadness that goes along with the loss of a valued equine friend is immediate and lasting. While we never got to know Sage, his owner Marcia’s love for him was evident in her email to us, saying “Sage was the most wonderful and amazing horse. He loved everyone.” Sage, a stunning Appaloosa, was 31-years old when he crossed the rainbow bridge. We are remembering him because he was a Cushing’s horse, and the donation of Prascend (pergolide) made in his memory will keep all of our Cushing’s horses in their meds for several months. As Marcia says, “I am sure it would make him happy to be part of helping other horses along their way”. We think so too, and we are sure that Sage is now roaming free with his new White Bird friends in those Elysian Fields. He can do so knowing that this gift will help many others in need of assistance. Thank you Sage, and thank you Marcia, for helping the White Bird horses.
