We are pleased to announce that White Bird is again the recipient of a generous grant from the Donner Foundation. We are honored and humbled by this gift, which could not have come at a better time.
In this difficult economic climate, people are struggling to hold on- to their jobs, their homes, their farms an their animals. When they fail, their animals lose everything. In some cases, people have simply given up and abandoned them. While this problem is not unique to horses, these animals face a special hardship in that there is a limited number of places for them to go. For some of them, recovery is a long, slow journey that requires much in the way of resources.
This past couple of years, we have tried hard to find innovative ways to help horses in urgent need. We have worked to educate our community about horse care. We have provided emergency help and hay and taken horses in when they were out of other options. We have rescued, rehabilitated and for some lucky individuals, rehomed horses that were ready and able to move on to new homes.
But we could accomplish none of these things on our own. It takes the compassion and concern of many individuals to reach out to equines in need and we are deeply indebted to those who have done so. Today, we would like to say a special “thank you” to the Donner Foundation, who has recognized the problem that America’s horses face and so generously stepped forward to help us help them.