Where on earth did this summer go? We’ve been so busy that the time has just flown by! Here are some o the highlights, for everyone who hasn’t been out here scrubbing buckets or picking hooves.
Incoming horses: We welcomed Noel, Casper, Thunderbolt (just love this name) and Mona to the rescue We also have a not-yet-named incoming guest pending, compliments of a local animal control officer.
Outgoing horses: We have pending adoptions on Dutch, and very awesomely, WONDER! Whoohoo! Wonder has been a particular favorite of the rescue His loving personality, gentle nature and sense of humor will be missed by all of us. But we are thrilled that this great horse is finally getting his own home.

We have finally cut our hay! This doesn’t sound like a big deal, but it’s been raining all summer in the east, so it’s been hard to get to it. The good news is that all that rain really strengthened the fields and w did much better than we thought we would. Between our two hay fields and the standing hay donated by Jay in Amelia (thank you!), we will have what we need for the year.
Big News: Our wonderful trainer Allie is getting married to about the best guy we know, Travis. That one is just hard to beat in the celebration department. That is Allie, bottom, on the wonderful Wonder.

We have had some fantastic volunteers this summer. THANK YOU to everyone who has cared enough to help care for homeless horses! Special thanks to Kate and Allie, who are such an an important part of White Bird’s “A Team.”
We have now been donated seven stall packages (Woody, Cindy and Beth, you rock!). This will mean a new shed row barn and some additional stalls in the existing pole barn. We’ll have added capacity during crummy weather and emergency situations. Thanks so much to everyone who contributed to the care of these horses, through donated items or cash. Special thanks also to the McCoy-Jones Foundation for their generous support. We are very grateful for your kindness.
Okay! That’s all the good news. Now here’s the bad:
Many people are still struggling and winter is now within sight. We are still getting calls for help and we want to be able reach these horses in need. So we need your support! Please consider donating to help feed these deserving animals. We cannot do this alone and every cent counts. We can even accept credit cards through PayPal. If you are nearby, consider volunteering. Whether it’s providing hands on care, maintaining the facility or helping us to get the word out, we appreciate your help. Or, adopt a White Bird horse! Our horses are up to date on all preventive care, carefully evaluated, and some have received substantial training. You’ll be providing a home for a deserving horse and acquiring a best friend for life. Last, if you like people, consider manning a White Bird booth at a charity fair this fall We will be in many locations around the state, so if you’d like to get out there and help us get the word out, please contact us.
We wish you all a wonderful fall season!