“Time doesn’t take away from friendship, nor does separation.” ~ Tennessee Williams, Memoirs

There is nothing that warms our hearts more than having a deserving horse find his forever home. Sometimes, this happens fairly quickly. But other times, for reasons we don’t always understand, that home is a long time coming.
Today, Whiskey, one of our long time residents, went home with Shannon and the rest of his new family. This home is everything we could ask for in an adoptive home. Shannon has extensive experience in handling and riding horses, his new home is safe and comfortable, he has two new equine friends to keep him company, and his new vet provided an excellent reference. But it also has something even more important.
I sometimes wonder whether our horses actually pick their homes, themselves. Certainly we have seen this in many of our horses: an immediate connection with the person who has come out to meet them. Or not! We have had to discourage some adoptions because it was obvious that the horse had an opinion that we had to consider. Watching Whiskey meet Shannon was like seeing two old friends greet each other who had been apart for awhile. When Shannon got on him to ride him, we’d have sworn we could see him smiling. Whiskey will love this new home and we couldn’t be happier for him. Sometimes, the wait is just worth it.
Don’t Forget! White Bird’s Annual Silent Night is Friday the 13th from 5PM to 8PM at the Burkeville farm. We’d love to introduce you to our horses and we will have mulled cider, hot chocolate, chili, pony rides available for the kids and a tour of our barns, with an introduction to White Bird’s residents. We’ll have carolers and plenty of holiday cheer! So put on your warm clothes and take a break from all the holiday madness.
