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Fantastic Homes Sought

White Bird Appaloosa Horse Rescue

This Appaloosa mare and gelding are in need of homes. As you can see from their pictures, they have not had the best care in the world and a kind animal control officer is trying to upgrade their situation. The black horse is the gelding and he is named, amazingly, “Blackie.” Okay, no one will blame you if you wish to change the name. He is 13 years old. The roan mare is “Moon Shadow” and she is a pretty little thing. We do not know much about her other than that she is 7 years old, could use some weight and can be haltered. Both horses are located in PA.

There probably isn’t a lot wrong with these horses, other than the fact that they need some TLC. They have not been evaluated so may in fact be trained and would otherwise make good project horses for someone. If that someone might be you, please contact the officer trying to help them at the contact information below. While you are at it, please thank her for looking out for these horses. Sometimes, the only thing standing in between these animals and a slow, miserable death is an individual with knowledge, a sense of responsibility and the authority to act. Thank you, Jo:

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